          國民大會:幸妤偽證遭境管(1/5) 20090610 The reason USA rejected to issue visa to 幸妤 is: To get USA visa is not your civil right, USA government must have 酒肉朋友 to do the duty to care their own citizens interests first, therefore, anyone who officially suspected committing the crime of 酒店經紀 lie, must have no way to get any visa from any foreign official who has any bit of brain cell and common sense. ------------------------------------- 九份民宿----------------------------------------國民大會:幸妤偽證遭境管(3/5) 20090610 At 0:48/8:49 ChenSwayBen can have that shame 房屋二胎less to yell "Jway.Shock", can tell he more deserve to be killed than any your enemy. You sucking ChenSwayBen dare shamelessly lawlessly Godlessly selfishly tooled own kids for your cold cold har 裝潢d money chain, dare shamelessly brainlessly to corrupted your sick weak wicked wife and kids with your sucking power money sex, how dare you have that shameless cold cold hard to push that weak sick wicked 幸妤 furth 買屋er running into American werewolves rooted slaved "Tie.Do" worm bed. That how no matter for American interests or 幸妤 interests, AIT must not issue visa to 幸妤 in any way. ---------------------------------------------------------- ARMANI-------------------- At 3:15/8:49 The fact or record or paper showed the crimes of money laundary committed by 幸妤 and her brother; however, because 幸妤 and brother can have their parents to rely, therefore, their parents ChenSwayBan and "5.Shoot.Zheng" can be gi 長灘島ven that advantage to take over the crimes for their kids. You sucking parents unwilling to take that burden, your sucking kids must have to face the consequence committed by themselves. I think ChenSwayBen and his wife don't want to take over their kids's crimes, must be 租屋cause they either suspect 幸妤 and her brother are phony, or they rather have their kids jailed along with them or jailed inside their own big house than to allow them to run like mice.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 借貸  .

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